PMDG Boeing 777-300 FMC Quick Reference Guide
I have begin writing a quick reference guide to help programme and configure the FMC in the PMDG Boeing 777-300 in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
The guide covers the following topics:
Aircraft State
Initial Flight Configuration
Autopilot Modes
Adding new waypoints to the legs page
Adding new custom waypoints to the legs page
Removing waypoints from the legs page
Flying “Direct To” a waypoint
Calculating an “abeam” waypoint
Performing a “gross check” of a flight plan
Drawing vectors and range rings on the navigation display
Flying at an offset to your planned course
Flying an intercept course
Even though the guide already runs to 15 pages, it will no doubt expand in the future. If you get it now, you’ll be able to download it in the future from the same link you receive after purchase.
You can get the guide here: