AviaPlanner is a new flight planning and chart visualisation tool for flight simulation - with perhaps it's biggest selling points (at the moment) being LIDO charts from Lufthansa, and it's cost - it's *much* cheaper than Navigraph (but far less capable too).
You can get a free trial, so why not take a look - https://aviaplanner.com
3 day free trial
Very clean map display (courtesy of Mapbox)
LIDO charts (from Lufthansa) are very good
Web interface (so you can run it on anything with a browser)
It's 60% cheaper than Navigraph
Not possible to customise routes
No waypoints, VORs etc outside of your route visible on map
Only caters for commercial/larger air traffic - no smaller airfields
Your aircraft does not appear on the map
It doesn't sync nav data yet (it's coming)
the positives do not look that bad, except that I consider a 3day trial a trap to get you in to never let you go. But the negatives are that negative for me and my preferred way of flying that even the trial is not worth it, as waste of time it would be. Stick with LNM and Volanta and you get more for free!