Beginners guide to using ILS in the PMDG Boeing 777 in Microsoft Flight Simulator
A number of people have asked recently if I might do a video working through ILS in the PMDG Boeing 777 in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Rather than program the aircraft to do everything itself, today we do two circuits at EGSS Stansted Airport - the first using LNAV to navigate around a number of waypoints while we get the aircraft to the appropriate altitude to approach, before taking over fully manual control - and the second letting the aircraft control everything except airspeed (we're not using VNAV today), to show how good the 777 is at following the glideslope and flaring to hit the runway markers.
Hopefully this video is useful to you - I'll return soon to take a proper look at VNAV, and explain some of the setup steps, and symbology in play while using it.